Sealing Death Read online

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  Stella looked out the window. You'd think after everything they went through, Cassie and Charlie would be together without any interference, but no. Will already got a huge make-out session, and they haven't even been traveling that long! Where was Stella's prince? She deserves happiness too!

  The cop car drove wildly through a group of very angry little people. James saw tracks, and he was following them. Betty sat in the back doing a crossword. "What's a three letter word for small?" she asked as they went over a bump. Susan shrugged, "Don't we have more important things to do?" Betty threw the book at the back of Susan's head. "Ow!" she yipped.

  Mr. Braddock parked the van next to a pile of rocks and everyone got out. Even on missions to save reality, they needed to stretch their legs.

  Stella hopped down and ran over to the rock pile. She had taken up rock collecting, and rocks from other realms would be excellent additions! Talk about out of this world! "Whoa." she gasped, eyeing a unique specimen. It was made up of thousands of small crystals of every color you could imagine, and then some. Stella leapt to it and was thrown to the side. "No one touches the Rock of Elcyesin!" a female roared.

  Stella looked up and saw an incredibly beautiful girl. She had the blackest hair Stella has ever seen and wore a fit green dress. She had dark brown eyes that twinkled softly. Stella assumed, "You're the Nymph of the Night, aren't you." The nymph nodded and smiled, "My name is Alesha, but yes, I am who you are searching for."

  "You seem nice for a nymph." Stella blurted. "Thank you," Alesha beamed, "I appreciate rock admirers and true love seekers. I myself am one." Stella grinned, "True love, so fairytale-like." Alesha helped Stella up and pulled her close. "I can help you if you can help me." she whispered, "I'll let you all go now to save existence, but you have to promise to come back for me and help me find love in your realm. I've researched all the realms, and you are definitely from my favorite, the Realm of the Foretold. Do we have a deal?"

  Stella thought as the nymph stared into her eyes. Would the others agree? Maybe she should ask. "Yes." Stella piped, "Let me introduce you to the others." Stella pulled the up-close-and-personal nymph down the pile and to the group.

  Cassie looked around after Stella took a nose dive into the rock pile. It was so exotic here. Before she was able to get too involved in the scenery, Stella came running down the hill with the most beautiful girl Cassie's ever seen. "Is that-" "Yes." Stella interrupted Cassie, "It is the Nymph of the Night. Her name is Alesha, and she's coming back to the Realm of the Foretold with us, if we want to leave, that is."

  "Yes." Will stated, "That's nice." Will forgot all the research he's ever done on nymphs, and stared at the ravishing creature. He was taken by her beauty.

  "I agree with Will." Charlie sighed, also staring at Alesha. She was gorgeous. So alluring! Cassie! Charlie almost forgot! He couldn't believe the beauty of the nymph!

  Mr. Braddock looked around at the boys. They were in a trance! The nymph! It can't be! But it was! The nymph had some sort of spell over her potential mates so she could easily pick the one of her choosing! The knight ripped out his sword and flew at the creature and pushed her down. "Take the spells off and I won't kill you!" Sir Arthur ordered.

  "Spells?" Stella asked, "What do you mean?" Mr. Braddock looked up and replied, "I forgot something about nymphs. They use spells to draw in mates so they can take their pick."

  Cassie was enraged! That fairy was trying to steal her man!

  "It's our survival instinct." Alesha explained, "We love, so we can live. It's not my fault, when the spell wears off, we usually have to find a new love, which is why I wanted to go to the Realm of the Foretold where you can help me find one true love!" She snapped her fingers and the spell was lifted. Mr. Braddock stood up. "Why didn't it work on you?" Alesha asked the knight, "It's supposed to work on all living males."

  "I'm dead." Sir Arthur stated, "So on the way back, I won't be here, because I'll be back in Death." The nymph nodded, "I understand."

  The nymph stood and screamed, "Trees attention! The group with the automobile are free to leave at once!" She walked over to Stella and grabbed her head with both hands and held her inches away from her face. "Don't forget me." she whispered as she disappeared in a green mist.

  Stella was still going to help her, but she was very uncomfortable with the nymph's hands-on approach.

  The gang loaded up the van, and Stella swiped a few stones. The knight drove the van around and rocketed back to the crack.

  Betty looked at the trees. They gave her chills, like they were watching her. "Stop the car!" she ordered and James obeyed.

  "Bad choice!" Vanessa warned, but it was too late. Tree branches launched at the cop car and pulled them up to the treetops.

  Susan looked down. No! Betty's minivan jetted under them towards the crack. "Siren!" she demanded. James flipped on the siren and the trees retracted their limbs all too fast. The car slammed on the ground and the fender fell off. "Follow them!" Susan told James. The cruiser swirled around and followed the minivan through the crack.

  Vander looked at Vanessa and Vanessa looked back. "Slow down or more will die." they said. James slammed on the brakes just before they slid into the crack.

  The Realm Of The Untold Part 1

  "Where are we now?" Stella asked, looking at the dark surroundings. Will jumped up and yelled, "Stop the van!" The van came to a stop and off Will ran, with Cassie following. Charlie wasn't going to let those two be alone, so he too got out and followed. "Wait for me Char-Char!" Stella called, following everyone else's lead. "Aren't we supposed to be doing something?!" Sir Arthur hollered, "Oh well." Mr. Braddock left the van and ran after the teens.

  Cassie finally caught up with Will. "What do you think you're doing!" she scolded. Will looked at her and beamed, "Look around, we are in a giant library. We are in the middle of the largest, untouched library in all of reality! This is the Realm of the Untold, as in the home to every secret in existence!" Cassie looked at Will. "How do they keep these secrets secret?" Cassie asked, finding herself closer to Will. "Oh no." he stammered, "I forgot! The library constantly changes! We may never escape now!"

  Cassie fumed, and turned around. Charlie was not in sight. "I hate you!" she screamed, pulling Will close and kissing him. She loved kissing him so much it was wrong, but she didn't care! Will kissed back, and Cassie got the exhilarating rush she always got when she kissed him. His cologne drifted around Cassie as she flew back to their beach. Two people, her and Will, and no one else. Will wrapped his arms around Cassie's waist and held her in his arms as their lips danced to the music in their heads.

  Cassie pulled away. "This isn't right, you know that." she whispered, "I don't know if it's worse or better than kissing in front of Charlie, but if we plan to get out of here, we better hurry up and finish." Cassie felt so guilty, but she couldn't stop. She put her arms around Will's neck and dove in for another round. Hopefully they have enough time to finish before they had to return to saving reality.

  Charlie could've sworn they went this way, but the further he went, the quieter their steps had gotten. Now the only steps were Stella slowly catching up to him. Charlie stopped and waited for Stella. "They are gone!" Charlie panted. Stella shrugged, "Do you think the halls changed?" Charlie laughed. That was impossible! Or was it?

  "Oh look!" Stella squealed, "Books!" She ran over to the shelves piled high and scanned through until one got her attention. It was called 'Sealing Death'. "Hmmm," she said, grabbing the book. She opened up and flipped through, and then saw Cassie's name! A lot of Cassie's names, and Will's names, and Charlie's names, and her own names! She opened to a chapter called 'The Realm Of The Untold'. She scanned through and was shocked. Everything that happened so far to them was in it! Then she saw it. Three words, Cassie, Will, and kiss. There was a whole paragraph full of those words again and again. Stella dropped the book and kicked it as far away as she could. That can't be true!

  "What's wrong!" Charlie yelled, running over. "N
othing." Stella lied, "Just picked up a very scary book by accident, but forget that. We need to find Cassie and Will!" Charlie shook his head yes and yelled, "Cassie! If you can hear me, yell!"

  Cassie finally pulled away when she heard Charlie. "Charlie!" she screamed, "The paths are always changing so no one ever can get out with the secrets in here! It's called the Realm of the Untold!"

  Will breathed rapidly. How could she transition from kiss to yell so quickly!

  Charlie heard the news. Stella was right for a change! "What are we going to do?" he yelled back.

  "I have an idea!" Cassie announced, looking up, "There's no ceiling! So I can fly me and Will to you guys, and then fly you all one at a time to the van!"

  "Good idea!" Mr. Braddock shouted, "Don't forget me!" Mr. Braddock had found out in the Death Realm who Cassie was, and now, finally, accepts it, since she's no longer collaborating with her birthmother.

  Cassie gave Will a quick kiss, and then flung him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She concentrated and shot straight up to the sky, above the book shelves. She looked down and saw the constantly changing maze of secrets. "There they are!" Cassie cried out, "And there's the van!"

  Cassie soared down to the minivan and put Will down. "Don't you even think about moving!" she demanded as she gave him a final kiss. She flew back up and went to get Stella.

  In the air, Cassie still couldn't believe that she cheated on Charlie. How could she! She felt awful about how much she enjoyed it. They needed to hurry up and close the gates of Death so she could kiss Will good bye, but not literally.

  "Finally!" Stella snipped, seeing Cassie land nearby. She snuck the book she was reading in her purse and walked over. "I'm sorry that I took too long to fly a prince to the minivan!" Cassie sassed, throwing the girl over her shoulder. Stella groaned as Cassie flew up above the shelves and to the minivan.

  Charlie was curious. What was so scary that Stella wouldn't tell him? He walked over to where the book slid and picked it up. "Sealing Death?" Charlie whispered to himself.

  The Price Of Fame

  "CUT!" the director screamed, hopping out of his chair and running onto the set. "Good job Alex!" he cheered, patting the young actor on the head, "And you, Chrissy, were AMAZING!" "Thank you!" the seventeen-year-old girl replied cheerfully, "I'm just happy to be a part of the team!" The director nodded. "I know, now go take five." he said, "You deserve it."

  Chrissy Price walked outside and into the hot California sun. Crew members scurried this way and that, some pushing rolling wardrobes, others driving golf carts from set to set. The black-haired girl dodged the rushing stage hands and hurried to her family's trailer.

  "Mom!" Chrissy called, "Are you here?" No one answered. More room for Chrissy.

  Singer, song writer, and actress, Chrissy Price plopped down on the red velvet sofa across from the door. The trailer was very quaint for a rising star like Chrissy Price, but she liked it. It was all they had until her show goes on air and the studio purchases their condo. All in the contract, they said. Just a bit longer, they said. Chrissy didn't mind.

  It was December 1st, and Chrissy was sure to decorate the whole trailer in between shifts. Garland hung from the counters and windows, with lights twisted here and there. A small Christmas tree sat on the dinner table with miniature presents scattered underneath.

  Chrissy's life had been going amazing ever since she and her mom signed the contract with the Whitney Teller Production Company. It was just like magic. One day she is singing in the cozy little town of West Burton, Vermont, and the next, she's in Hollywood starring in her very own television show! They even say that "Charlotte's Charms" is going to be the next big thing in the entertainment industry!

  Taking out her prized violin, Chrissy performed a perfect D major scale, followed by an A flat minor scale, followed by a combination of "Jingle Bells", "Jingle Bell Rock", and "Silver Bells" that she arranged herself. She's been playing the violin since she was eight, the piano since she was six, the guitar since she was four, the cello since she was seven, the double bass since she was twelve, the flute since she was thirteen, the saxophone since she was nine, and she has been singing since she could talk. People thought she was gifted, which probably had a hand in her rise to fame. Little Miss Miracle was her nickname given to her by her Aunt Clarice. Technically her great aunt, Clarice Patterson taught Chrissy everything she knew. The musical stuff, like a perfect F minor scale, but also life skills, like how to iron a suit. Sure she was on the verge of greatness, but she still knew how to do things for herself. The last thing her Aunt Clarice ever told her was not to get caught up in the fast lane and take time to stop and sniff the roses.

  After reading a few pages ahead in her script, Chrissy decided to head back to the studio. She stood up and walked over to the door. As she laid her hand on the doorknob, the lights flickered off and the trailer shook back and forth. "HELP!" Chrissy screamed, "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

  "Patrick Garland here with all the Hollywood news and gossip!" the reporter announced into his microphone, "Just today, up and coming teen sensation, Chrissy Price, mysteriously disappeared from the set of "Charlotte's Charms" without any trace. The entire Price trailer is completely gone!"

  "I just don't know what could have happened!" the producer explained to the reporters, "One minute she's here, and the next, she's gone!"

  The camera showed a picture of the Price trailer location, completely empty, except for some blue marks on the concrete.

  The Realm Of The Untold Part 2

  Once Cassie left, Stella slapped Will across the face. "What was that for?" he stuttered. "For your generous kissy prince lips, that's what!" Stella accused, "I know you kissed Cassie, and she's taken! So you can forget that right now!"

  Charlie was about to open the book when Cassie landed. "Ready for your flight sir?" she joked. Charlie dropped the book and ran over to Cassie, giving her a big hug. "Always!" he blurted. Cassie gave him the special treatment and picked him up like a baby. "So are you going to fly me over the threshold when the time comes?" Charlie grinned. Cassie just smiled and flew up once more and dropped him off with Stella and Will.

  "I'm going to go find Mr. Braddock," Cassie began, "it might take a while, so hang tight!" Cassie launched up into the air, and started the search for her dead history teacher.

  Cassie was out of sight and Stella, Charlie, and Will stood in silence.

  Stella was furious at Will for what he did. It was supposed to be Cassie and Charlie, together forever as Chassie? Or maybe Carlie. Stella didn't know, but it certainly wasn't Cassie and Will. "So, Char-Char, anything new?"

  Charlie looked at Stella. Did she know something he didn't? If so, what was it? Was it Will? Charlie had wondered why Will had a red handprint on the side of his face, maybe Stella was why. Charlie looked at her and replied, "Not much that I know of."

  Stella knows! How! Will thought they were alone! Wait, they are in the Realm of the Untold! Of course! She must've slipped upon the secret book the kiss was written in! Hopefully Charlie didn't see it, or soon they would all be fighting tooth and nail!

  Will coughed and leaned on the minivan. It hadn't even been two minutes with what he asked, "When do you think Cassie will be back with Sir Arthur?"

  Stella couldn't hate him more than she did right now! He probably got lost just so he could get a smooch with her! "Hopefully soon," Stella grumbled, "since there is a gigantic monster heading our way."

  Charlie wished he read that book. It was killing him! What could have been in it? He looked around at the shelves. So many secrets, apparently. As he looked, he heard a rumble and books tumbled off the shelves. Looking around, Charlie yipped, "What was that?"

  "Oops." said Will, who had forgotten another detail of this place, "Ever heard of a bookworm? If not, you're about to!" Stella laughed. "A bookworm!" she sneered, "What's so scary about that?"

  Will glared at her. "The Bookworm here is twenty feet long." he explained as more books fell, "It's ano
ther security method this place has to make sure whoever enters doesn't exit."

  "So that means we are about to meet a giant worm that's going to try to kill us, and no one can die?" Charlie questioned. "No!" Will clarified, "It’s going to try to eat us, and no one can die."

  Stella shuddered. She did not feel like getting swallowed by a ferocious worm and living through every second of it! Another rumble came through the library and they all yelled, "Cassie!"

  Cassie was having a hard time finding Mr. Braddock. She flew this way and that. "How far could he have gotten?" she mumbled. She saw the library shake over by the minivan, and then she saw it. A very slow, grotesque, lime green blob that was inching its way to them. She heard them yell her name and saw the slow thing. They could wait a little bit, since she was up there, she might as well find the knight who according to her birthmother, coldly ripped her from her mother's arms and gave her to the king who kicked her in a hole.